Me, being happy all alone on the mountain roads. I took this to answer my roommate when he called to ask me where and how I was.

The perfection of Stowe Vt. This picture contains all the things that make my life full and good. The mountains, my car, and the solitude of resting amongst all god's glorious creations.

VT- "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I took the one less travelled by,,,, and it has made all the difference." -Robert Frost.

A spectacular waterfall called Texas Falls, up in the northern mids of VT.

The lampposts at the Von Trapp Family Lodge: A return to childhood.
I am journeying with a friend over to a local establishment known as the Java Hut that will serve the meanest cup of coffee known to man. There's a warning label on it for caffeinated content. I can't wait :)Here are some of the pictures taken on my Sojourn to VT: More about the 'Journ later.